ランボフスキー・ドミトリー「メモ Vol.1」

2025/02/03 ~ 2025/02/09
Place M
『メモ Vol.1』
Notes Vol.1
In Tokyo you can see so many bright moments, they are like flashes of light illuminating my consciousness. I take my photographs to keep this light. These photographs are like notes about those wonderful sensations.
The Notes is a series of photographs of different subjects and techniques, united by my true love for the city and its citizens.
I am gradually collecting these Notes into a notebook that I hope to share with you some day.
ランボフスキー・ドミトリー「メモ Vol.1」
会場:Place M(https://www.placem.com)
東京都新宿区新宿1-2-11 近代ビル3F