ランボフスキー・ドミトリー「内なる世界 THE INNER WORLD」

ランボフスキー・ドミトリー「内なる世界 THE INNER WORLD」
2024/10/21 ~ 2024/10/27
Place M

That winter’s day, I stopped in the middle of a deserted square, where, as they say, the largest clock in the world is installed.

The clock didn’t work.

Either because of recent snowfall, or they had never worked. It was strange to look at empty space and large numbers around, meaning hours, minutes – now they seemed to cease to have any meaning.

«What time is it?» – the young people passing by asked me. They were laughing. I just smiled in response and looked at them as they were going further and further into the distance. They resembled two arrows of a clock. I listened to their steps, on that square these steps sounded like seconds, moments of time…

I smiled again, raised the camera to my face and said: «Time does not exist…»
Moscow, February 2022

The THE INNER WORLD photo exhibition combines monochrome film photographs taken in Moscow, Russia in 2021-2022. Photographs as premonitions and anxiety, as a dialogue with oneself, as answers that ultimately lead to doubts about the existence of time.



ランボフスキー・ドミトリー「内なる世界 THE INNER WORLD」
会場:Place M(https://www.placem.com
   東京都新宿区新宿1-2-11 近代ビル3F
