沖野 豊
Okino Yutaka

1960 京都市に生まれる born in Kyoto
1983 大阪芸術大学写真学科卒業 graduated from Osaka University of arts
1988 フリーの写真家として活動に入る start as a freelance photographer
1992 最初の個展「都の記憶」開催 first exhibition “miyako no kioku” in osaka
2001 個展「刻(ひととき)」開催 exhibition “hitotoki” in tokyo and 7places
2003 個展「CONSCIOUS」開催 exhibition “conscious” in tokyo and 7places
2004 バンコクに写真教室を開講 open photography school in bangkok thailand
2004 事務所の名称をthirdstageに変更 change office name to thitdstage
2005 個展「slow wind」を開催 exhibition “slow wind” in osaka and bangkok
2007 個展「包み込んで」を開催 exhibition “tutumi konde” in osaka and bangkok
2009 個展「夢のあと」を開催 exhibition “after dream” kyoto
2012 写真集「響」出版 publish a photo collection “hibiki!”kotenn
2013 個展「響」を開催 exhibition “hibiki” in osaka and Bangkok
2015 個展「FEEL」開催 exhibition “feel” in Bangkok
2015 個展「日本の美」 exhibition “beauty of japan” in Bangkok
2016 個展「日本の美 桜」 exhibition “beauty of japan sakura” in Bangkok
2019 個展「残り香」 exhibiyion “nokoriga” in Bangkok
日本写真家協会会員(JPS) Member of japan professional photographer society
NHK FujiFilm Sony 講師 Teacher
1983 大阪芸術大学写真学科卒業 graduated from Osaka University of arts
1988 フリーの写真家として活動に入る start as a freelance photographer
1992 最初の個展「都の記憶」開催 first exhibition “miyako no kioku” in osaka
2001 個展「刻(ひととき)」開催 exhibition “hitotoki” in tokyo and 7places
2003 個展「CONSCIOUS」開催 exhibition “conscious” in tokyo and 7places
2004 バンコクに写真教室を開講 open photography school in bangkok thailand
2004 事務所の名称をthirdstageに変更 change office name to thitdstage
2005 個展「slow wind」を開催 exhibition “slow wind” in osaka and bangkok
2007 個展「包み込んで」を開催 exhibition “tutumi konde” in osaka and bangkok
2009 個展「夢のあと」を開催 exhibition “after dream” kyoto
2012 写真集「響」出版 publish a photo collection “hibiki!”kotenn
2013 個展「響」を開催 exhibition “hibiki” in osaka and Bangkok
2015 個展「FEEL」開催 exhibition “feel” in Bangkok
2015 個展「日本の美」 exhibition “beauty of japan” in Bangkok
2016 個展「日本の美 桜」 exhibition “beauty of japan sakura” in Bangkok
2019 個展「残り香」 exhibiyion “nokoriga” in Bangkok
日本写真家協会会員(JPS) Member of japan professional photographer society
NHK FujiFilm Sony 講師 Teacher