4 Female Artists
4 Female Artists

■Artists①|CHANG Yi-Yun 張 譯云|台湾・嘉義|b.1974-
2013年以降、張 譯云(チャン・イ・ユン)は数多くの写真賞を受賞し、台湾と海外の美術館やギャラリーで個展やグループ展に参加。張は人生の転機を迎えた頃に友人からカメラを譲り受け、それをきっかけに写真での創作活動を始めた。家庭環境による幼少期からの自立した性格は、作品にも反映されている。写真学科出身でないが、日々の観察と想像力を通して制作した彼女の写真作品には常に違和感や矛盾を感じられるような、しかし優しいイメージも見られる。これまでの彼女の作品の多くは、台湾文化部芸術銀行やギャラリー等に収蔵され、様々な国内外の写真賞を受賞している。現在は個人的な創作を続けながら教育機関などにて写真教育の教鞭をとっている。
■Artists②|CHIU Li-Ying 邱 麗瓔|台湾・台南|b.-1974-
1974年生まれ。現在台湾、台南市を拠点に活動。邱 麗瓔(チィウ・リ・イン)は、グラフィックデザイナーであり、2009年に写真を撮り始めた。彼女はファインアートに興味を持ち、今までない表現で写真作品に挑戦し、商業写真の仕事にも携わっている。長年にわたり制作活動を続ける邱麗瓔は、2018年海外の国際写真賞であるInternational Photography Awards (IPA) にてProfessional Special Effectsの1位を受賞した。カメラとPhotoshopを使うことは彼女にとって単なる作品作りの手段だけでなく、自分が想像した世界を生み出す魔法である。デジタル時代には、様々な表現方法や可能性がある。彼女にとって創作の可能性は無限大であり、できる限り人生への想いを込め、写真作品を通して伝えて行きたいという思いがある。
■Artists③|HWANG Tsu-Han 黄 楚涵|台湾・台北|b.1989-
黄 楚涵(ファン・ツウ・ハン)は、台湾の台北を拠点に活動する写真家。アメリカの大学院にて主にモノクロ暗室やオルタナティブ・プロセス、ミクストメディアとデジタル画像処理などの実験的な研究を行った。黄楚涵にとっての写真は、被写体と環境だけでなく、人生の経歴や試練にも繋がるものでもある。これまで学んだことと経験したことが作品作りに役立っていると信じている。アメリカで芸術学(写真)修士を取得した後、フリーランスとして写真サークルの講師やインタビュー編集者などを経て、現在に至る。彼女は写真を撮るだけでなく、周りの出来事に耳を傾け、インタビューを通して様々な物語を作成し、他者とフィールドで共有することで、人と人とのつながりが生まれることが最も大切だと考える。
■Artists④ / Curator|CHIU Yu-Hsuan 邱 于瑄|台湾・基隆|b.1987-
2013年以降、張 譯云(チャン・イ・ユン)は数多くの写真賞を受賞し、台湾と海外の美術館やギャラリーで個展やグループ展に参加。張は人生の転機を迎えた頃に友人からカメラを譲り受け、それをきっかけに写真での創作活動を始めた。家庭環境による幼少期からの自立した性格は、作品にも反映されている。写真学科出身でないが、日々の観察と想像力を通して制作した彼女の写真作品には常に違和感や矛盾を感じられるような、しかし優しいイメージも見られる。これまでの彼女の作品の多くは、台湾文化部芸術銀行やギャラリー等に収蔵され、様々な国内外の写真賞を受賞している。現在は個人的な創作を続けながら教育機関などにて写真教育の教鞭をとっている。
■Artists②|CHIU Li-Ying 邱 麗瓔|台湾・台南|b.-1974-
1974年生まれ。現在台湾、台南市を拠点に活動。邱 麗瓔(チィウ・リ・イン)は、グラフィックデザイナーであり、2009年に写真を撮り始めた。彼女はファインアートに興味を持ち、今までない表現で写真作品に挑戦し、商業写真の仕事にも携わっている。長年にわたり制作活動を続ける邱麗瓔は、2018年海外の国際写真賞であるInternational Photography Awards (IPA) にてProfessional Special Effectsの1位を受賞した。カメラとPhotoshopを使うことは彼女にとって単なる作品作りの手段だけでなく、自分が想像した世界を生み出す魔法である。デジタル時代には、様々な表現方法や可能性がある。彼女にとって創作の可能性は無限大であり、できる限り人生への想いを込め、写真作品を通して伝えて行きたいという思いがある。
■Artists③|HWANG Tsu-Han 黄 楚涵|台湾・台北|b.1989-
黄 楚涵(ファン・ツウ・ハン)は、台湾の台北を拠点に活動する写真家。アメリカの大学院にて主にモノクロ暗室やオルタナティブ・プロセス、ミクストメディアとデジタル画像処理などの実験的な研究を行った。黄楚涵にとっての写真は、被写体と環境だけでなく、人生の経歴や試練にも繋がるものでもある。これまで学んだことと経験したことが作品作りに役立っていると信じている。アメリカで芸術学(写真)修士を取得した後、フリーランスとして写真サークルの講師やインタビュー編集者などを経て、現在に至る。彼女は写真を撮るだけでなく、周りの出来事に耳を傾け、インタビューを通して様々な物語を作成し、他者とフィールドで共有することで、人と人とのつながりが生まれることが最も大切だと考える。
■Artists④ / Curator|CHIU Yu-Hsuan 邱 于瑄|台湾・基隆|b.1987-
■Artists①|CHANG Yi-Yun 張 譯云|台湾・嘉義|b.1974-
Since 2013, Yi-Yun CHANG has won many awards in photography, and her works have been invited to solo and group exhibitions in museums and professional galleries in Taiwan and abroad. Before she took photography, she encountered a turning point in her life when she received a camera through a friend, which started her creative work in photography.
Due to her family environment, her independent personality from childhood is also reflected in her works. Even though she grew up without a photography background, through her daily observation and imaginative view of the world, she can always see the contradictions and contradictory yet tender images in her photography works. Most of her works have been collected by the Ministry of Culture's Art Bank Taiwan and Art Galleries; additionally, she has won various photography awards. Currently, she specializes in personal creation and photography teaching in schools and other institutions.
■Artists②|CHIU Li-Ying 邱 麗瓔|台湾・台南|b.-1974-
Born in 1974. Based in Taiwan,Tainan City. Li Ying CHIU is a graphic designer who has created fine art photography and has worked in commercial photography since 2016. In 2018, she won the 1st Place of International Photography Awards(IPA) Professional Special Effects. For her, camera and Photoshop are mediums of her creation; just as for painters, their brushes, pigments, and canvas are mediums of their paintings. Digital photography has many methods and potential to create. Thus, she thinks creativity is infinite.
Through images, she conveys her thoughts of life without limitation.
■Artists③|HWANG Tsu-Han 黄 楚涵|台湾・台北|b.1989-
Born in 1989. Tsu-Han Hwang is a photographic artist based in Taipei, Taiwan. She enjoys experimenting with black and white darkrooms, alternative processes, mixed media, and digital imaging. For her, photography connects not only subjects and environments but also photographs and mediums. She believes what she has learned and experienced helps her create her work. After graduation, she became a freelance photographer, an instructor in a photographic club, and an interview editor. For her, organizing people's stories and sharing them in various fields can build connections between people.
Through images, she conveys her thoughts of life without limitation.
■Artists④ / Curator|CHIU Yu-Hsuan 邱 于瑄|台湾・基隆|b.1987-
Born in 1987 in Keelung, Taiwan. Yu-Hsuan CHIU lives in Tokyo currently, employing curation and photography as her main artistic activities. Since 2017, she has entered the Nihon University College of Art to study in the Photography master program. Through two-year darkroom research courses, her significant researches are not only on synthesizing photos with silver gelatine and alternative darkroom processes but Contemporary photography. In 2018, she conducted a one-year internship at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, assisting Japanese curators in planning exhibitions and document research. This experience allowed her to take exhibition scheming as her future direction in addition to photography creation. In 2021, she officially obtained the national qualification of a curator in Japan. The same year, she also curated a photography exhibition as her first step as a curator. Apart from working in a contemporary gallery in Tokyo, Yu-Hsuan also spends extra time developing an artistic bridge that connects Taiwanese galleries and Japanese artists for arts and cultural activities.
Since 2013, Yi-Yun CHANG has won many awards in photography, and her works have been invited to solo and group exhibitions in museums and professional galleries in Taiwan and abroad. Before she took photography, she encountered a turning point in her life when she received a camera through a friend, which started her creative work in photography.
Due to her family environment, her independent personality from childhood is also reflected in her works. Even though she grew up without a photography background, through her daily observation and imaginative view of the world, she can always see the contradictions and contradictory yet tender images in her photography works. Most of her works have been collected by the Ministry of Culture's Art Bank Taiwan and Art Galleries; additionally, she has won various photography awards. Currently, she specializes in personal creation and photography teaching in schools and other institutions.
■Artists②|CHIU Li-Ying 邱 麗瓔|台湾・台南|b.-1974-
Born in 1974. Based in Taiwan,Tainan City. Li Ying CHIU is a graphic designer who has created fine art photography and has worked in commercial photography since 2016. In 2018, she won the 1st Place of International Photography Awards(IPA) Professional Special Effects. For her, camera and Photoshop are mediums of her creation; just as for painters, their brushes, pigments, and canvas are mediums of their paintings. Digital photography has many methods and potential to create. Thus, she thinks creativity is infinite.
Through images, she conveys her thoughts of life without limitation.
■Artists③|HWANG Tsu-Han 黄 楚涵|台湾・台北|b.1989-
Born in 1989. Tsu-Han Hwang is a photographic artist based in Taipei, Taiwan. She enjoys experimenting with black and white darkrooms, alternative processes, mixed media, and digital imaging. For her, photography connects not only subjects and environments but also photographs and mediums. She believes what she has learned and experienced helps her create her work. After graduation, she became a freelance photographer, an instructor in a photographic club, and an interview editor. For her, organizing people's stories and sharing them in various fields can build connections between people.
Through images, she conveys her thoughts of life without limitation.
■Artists④ / Curator|CHIU Yu-Hsuan 邱 于瑄|台湾・基隆|b.1987-
Born in 1987 in Keelung, Taiwan. Yu-Hsuan CHIU lives in Tokyo currently, employing curation and photography as her main artistic activities. Since 2017, she has entered the Nihon University College of Art to study in the Photography master program. Through two-year darkroom research courses, her significant researches are not only on synthesizing photos with silver gelatine and alternative darkroom processes but Contemporary photography. In 2018, she conducted a one-year internship at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, assisting Japanese curators in planning exhibitions and document research. This experience allowed her to take exhibition scheming as her future direction in addition to photography creation. In 2021, she officially obtained the national qualification of a curator in Japan. The same year, she also curated a photography exhibition as her first step as a curator. Apart from working in a contemporary gallery in Tokyo, Yu-Hsuan also spends extra time developing an artistic bridge that connects Taiwanese galleries and Japanese artists for arts and cultural activities.