青木 弘
Aoki Hiroshi

写真家。1976年鳥取県出身、横浜市在住。戦争、貧困、飢餓、尊厳をテーマにアフリカの紛争地を中心に撮影を続ける。個展、写真集、雑誌などで作品を国内外で発表。また「アフリカを愛し、アフリカに愛された写真家」としてイベントや講演会、TV、ラジオなどにて幅広く活動中。現在、アフリカへの継続可能な平和支援プロジェクト「PEACEis___ 」を立ち上げ、PEACEisギャラリーを設立し、精力的に活動をしている。2020年に最新作写真集「樹平線juheisen」(モーターマガジン社)を上梓。ライカオフィシャルInstagram、ニコンweb CM、サンディスクCMなどに出演。オフィシャルブログ「戦場取材記」も好評連載中。
Born in 1976.Aoki grew up in Tottori, JAPAN.2002, Start as a freelance photographer.
Aoki is called “The man loved Africa, and was loved in Africa”
He’s a specialist of the civil war coverage of the African Continent.
Aoki’s photographed human despair, dignity, suffering and hope. That is recent history’s defining human rights and conflict issues. Need to share the necessity of telling the stories of people who are powerless. Aoki believe that his work to change the world.
Aoki’s photos have been exhibited in various venues including museums, galleries and photo festivals. He continues shooting the stories that touch him.
He launches projects for peace supports of Africa, called "PEACEis___ " that sustainable support to the peace and poverty eradication in Africa. and continuing an activity now.
Born in 1976.Aoki grew up in Tottori, JAPAN.2002, Start as a freelance photographer.
Aoki is called “The man loved Africa, and was loved in Africa”
He’s a specialist of the civil war coverage of the African Continent.
Aoki’s photographed human despair, dignity, suffering and hope. That is recent history’s defining human rights and conflict issues. Need to share the necessity of telling the stories of people who are powerless. Aoki believe that his work to change the world.
Aoki’s photos have been exhibited in various venues including museums, galleries and photo festivals. He continues shooting the stories that touch him.
He launches projects for peace supports of Africa, called "PEACEis___ " that sustainable support to the peace and poverty eradication in Africa. and continuing an activity now.